Thursday, November 11, 2010

    A Star for the Day

    Two months after moving here I was given an amazing opportunity to be a part of Parents Magazine Holiday Makeovers.  I was thrilled!  I would have never had this type of opportunity in Tampa.  I also needed a makeover for my self esteem.  I just moved to this new city that is a fashion mecca.  And fashion was something I had been lacking. 

    I swore to myself that becoming a mom wouldn't make me less stylish.  I promised that I would do my hair and makeup everyday and actually get dressed in the morning.  My promises for myself soon went out the window when I found out my husband was moving across the country and I decided to stay in Tampa with Harlan to finish out the school year teaching.  This makeover was the perfect start to our new life in New York City.

    When I got to the studio for the shoot, I felt like a star.  All of the crew knew who I was and welcomed me.  They had breakfast and coffee set up and told me to eat whatever I wanted.  The other two makeover women quickly showed up and we all took our before shots.  I'll admit, having my picture with no makeup in a national magazine scared me.  Who wants to show the world their black circles under their eyes and blemishes?  The beauty editor assured me that the before picture would be small and the makeover picture bigger.

    We soon sat down and they spent hours on our hair and makeup.  The stylist would come over and show me outfits to see if I liked them.  I felt like a movie star.  All attention was on me and I was being pampered like never before.  It felt like a dream! 

    After getting my hair and makeup done and getting my outfit on it was time for the photo shoot.  I am no model and I don't pretend to be one, so I had no clue what I was doing in front of the camera.  Thank goodness for the awesome photographer and great crew.  They made me feel so comfortable and kept telling me how beautiful I looked.  Who doesn't want to hear that? 

    I left the shoot feeling so confident and beautiful.  Something I hadn't felt in a while.  I came home to my husband who had a huge grin when he saw me.  It made my heart melt. 

    The magazine just came out and I couldn't be happier with the results.  It is very weird to see my face in a national magazine, but I am taking in every moment.  After all, it's not everyday you get to be a star.

    Thank you to Tracy Perez and the rest of the staff and crew at Parents Magazine. I had a wonderful time!


    1. That is awesome look beautiful! Pi love, Lauren P

    2. YAY! I am going to pick up a copy to see it in person! You're a STAR! Love you.

    3. That is WONDERFUL!!! I hope you enjoyed the pampering, you deserve it!

    4. That is amazing, I will have to check it out for sure! You look fabulous. :)

    5. What an incredible experience!! You look amazing in those photos, as well!! It sounds like you enjoyed every moment. Must check out the magazine!!
