Friday, November 19, 2010

    To the Land of Opposites!

    Next Tuesday we are leaving to go and visit my family at my parents house in Alabama.  This is the first time I will be getting out of the city since moving here.  I think I am beginning to forget what the suburbs looks like.  It is so easy to get stuck in this bubble when living here that you can soon forget there is life outside of the city.

    So what better place to go to that is the complete opposite of city life than Nicholsville, Alabama.  Ever heard of it?  Yeah, most people haven't.  It is a town named after my dad's family that probably doesn't even have a stop light.  It definitely doesn't have a post office.  It is everything that NYC is not.  My parents have a house there and some acreage that my dad loves to go to to get away.  There isn't much to do but ride ATVs and go hunting. Oh yeah, and frequent one of my mom's favorite places, "Dirt Cheap" ( a bargain hunter's paradise.)  There is a WalMart 20 minutes away that is another hot spot for shopping.

    Although I am making this place sound rather boring, I am really looking forward to it.  I get to spend a week wearing camo and not caring about a thing in the world.  I won't get any cell phone service, so I won't get sucked up into twitter or facebook.  I can take this week as a time to get engulfed in my family.  Something I don't get to do often.

    I get to show off Harlan to many of my extended family that has never met her before.  I get to enjoy my Granny's wonderful southern cooking with vegetables fresh from the garden.  We will play board games and tell funny stories about one another.

    Spending time in a place like Nicholsville, Alabama will help me get into the spirit of the season and realize what I am thankful for the most; family.


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