Friday, January 14, 2011

    In-Love with the In-Laws

    It’s not very often I hear people compliment their in-laws.  In fact, I very rarely hear it.  I see many complaints, hear the griping, and the pleads for help.  I wish I could tell you that I am in the same boat, but I am in another boat.  A very luxurious, comfortable boat.  
    I am in love with my in-laws.  Yep, I said it.  I love them.  I could not have asked for a better set of “parents.”  
    Harlan and I have been staying with them in North Carolina for almost a month now. Without MacKay.  He was here for a bit over Christmas, but had to go back to the city for work.  Yes, I am staying with my in-laws voluntarily, for an extended period of time without my husband.  
    It has been a great vacation for me. I am getting help with Harlan, which is giving me some time to relax and go out and do things by myself. My mother-in-law has cooked some amazing meals and is great to watch television with.  
    At home I am always getting griped at from MacKay about my choices in television.  When I am with my MIL we can sit and chat for hours about which housewife we can’t stand or which celeb is our new favorite.  
    My in-laws have been so supportive of me since day one.  They have always welcomed me into their home, cared for me as if I am one of their own, and treated me like a part of the family.  
    The same goes for Harlan.  My MIL came to Tampa when Harlan was born and stayed for almost a month.  She would stay up and rock her in the middle of the night and would bring her into my room when she needed to nurse then take her back when she was finished.  It was amazing.  She wanted to make sure that I got the rest that I needed.  
    Harlan sees how great they are too.  She loves being here with them and will follow her Granddad around the house all day long.  She calls for her Jannie in the morning after her breakfast.  It’s going to break her heart when we have to go back to the city.
    MacKay has even said to me that he has lucked out with some pretty great in-laws as well.  My parents are pretty amazing. He and my mom have a great relationship.  So much so that he took her to the bar next door to have a drink with her when she came to the city for Harlan’s birthday.
    It’s so great to be part of a family where everyone can get along {for the most part} and genuinely love one another.
    I have never understood why the in-laws always get a bad wrap.  I probably never will.  I do hope that more people are as blessed as I am with in-laws as great as mine. 
    But the greatest thing about my in-laws?  They gave me the most amazing man in the world, my husband.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sneezes, Sniffles, Achoos...Oh My!

As as mom, one of the seasons I dread most is cold season.  Somehow Harlan always manages to get the cold that is passed around play group once or twice.  I must admit, I'm not quite as prepared as I should be when it comes to cold prevention, but now with these tips from Dr. Tanya Altmann I will be.

Dr. Tanya Remer Altmann, a UCLA-trained pediatrician and mom, teamed up with Puffs and recently held an event at Apple Seeds with some useful information on how to prevent the dreadful cold and flu.

The Cold Facts:
  • The common cold is the most frequent cause of school and work absenteeism.
  • On average, adults will get two-five colds per year while kids will get six-nine; parents are prone to catching them from their kids.
  • About one billion people will have a cold at any time during the year, but colds are most prevalent between August and April .
  • Sneezing is the most efficient method of spreading the common cold {the average sneeze travels up to 100 MPH!}
  • You use more than three times as many tissues {an average of 24 a day} while sick.

Dr. Tanya  with Stan the Puffs "sneeze machine" doll testing out the strength of Puff's tissues along with a little guest at Apple Seeds
Tips on preventing and managing colds:
  • Practice Healthy Habits {get plenty of sleep, exercise and eat your veggies!}
  • Wash hands early and often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds {I like to sing a song to Harlan when we are washing her hands to entertain her while doing it}
  • Soothe cold symptoms by drinking fluids and running vaporizers/humidifiers at night.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and put your used tissue in the trash. {My favorite tissue is the Puff Plus with the Scent of Vicks.  A must when you have a cold.}
Dr. Tanya showing a little one how to properly wash her hands.
With these tips, I hope to prevent many colds for my family.  I think I lucked out though, because even when Harlan is sick, she is still a very happy toddler.

{Disclaimer: A Mommy in the City was not compensated for this post.  I did receive samples of Puffs. I was unable to attend this event, I just thought this information was too good to pass up.  All opinions expressed are my own.}

Need Your Help! Harlan is a finalist!

Harlan is a finalist in Big City Moms Cutest Kid of the Year!!!! I am going to ask you for your vote again so she can win this thing! (she is the only girl) Click on the Cutest Kid Tab on the Big City Moms page and cast your vote!!

Vote Here ------>Vote for Harlan!


DOB: September 2, 2009
Resides: Upper East Side
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Activity: Having a book read to me, playing with my dolls, and pushing around my toy stroller, coloring
Favorite Song: Rocketship Run by Laurie Berkner Band
Favorite TV show: Yo Gabba Gabba
Favorite Book: Goodnight Moon and any lift flap book.
Favorite Toy: Maclaren Toy Stroller
Favorite Food: Depends on the day, I am a very picky eater.
Favorite NYC Hangout: Central Park and Forty Carrots

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

My future business woman.
{yes, she is using the mouse as a phone}

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

patemm® pad WINNER!

Congratulations to Katie! You have won a patemm® pad! Thank you to everyone who entered.  If you didn't win you can still take advantage of the 20% discount exclusively for A Mommy in the City readers.  Just use coupon code "MOMMY" at check out.  The offer will expire on January 15, 2011.

Thank you to Grace, the founder of patemm®, for providing this amazing changing pad for the giveaway! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year, New Design, New Host!

My site finally has a new design!  I am so excited and I hope you love it as much as I do.  Thank you to Jacquelinne at Smitten Blog Designs for this wonderful design.

I am making the switch over to Wordpress on Wednesday night so please be prepared if everything isn't up and running right away.  

Some of the menu links at the top aren't working or do not have information filled out.  This is all a work in progress and will hopefully be up and running soon.

Thank you for your patience!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Hair-Raising Experience

There is nothing that makes me prouder than experiencing one of my daughter's "firsts" with her.  I get a sense of joy and pride as she accomplishes a task for the very first time.

This morning Harlan woke up with her first case of bed head.  Yes, she finally has enough hair on her head to get messed up during her night of sleep and stick straight up in the air.

To many this may not seem like a "first" worth mentioning, but any parent of a bald baby will tell you what an accomplishment this is.  I have waited patiently {and impatiently} for Harlan's hair to grow.  She has the most beautiful blonde hair that, at one point, I thought was incapable of growing.  
This morning proved me wrong.  Her hair is growing, and it's growing fast.  I hadn't realized how long it was until this morning when I saw her strands sticking straight up and glistening in the sun.  

I loved her look so much I almost didn't wash it in the bath this morning. I wanted relish in this moment as long as I could.  

This is a very unconventional first for many moms, but for me, it's definitely one worthy of the baby book.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Shameless Plug: I Need Your Help

Harlan has been nominated as the Big City Moms Cutest Kid of the Year.  The top 3 winners will get a photo shoot with Suzanne Cohen Photography and gift baskets filled with treats.  The first place winner will also receive a class at Kidville and  bedroom set from Delta Children's Products.

Will you please go to Big City Mom's Facebook Page and "like" their page.  Once you have done that please find the photo album titled "Cutest Kid of the Year 2010".  Please leave a comment on that album that says "Vote Harlan #23." 

Votes on their wall will no count any longer, it must be done on that photo album.  It will only take a few minutes and we would really appreciate your vote.  The voting ends on Sunday.

Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Angry Girl

This was taken on New Years Eve.  I don't remember what made her upset in this picture.  I just know that I got the perfect shot! She's still cute, even when she's mad.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Me

Before having Harlan I was in the best shape I had ever been in my life.  I worked out everyday, ate the right things and stayed pretty healthy overall.  When I found out I was pregnant {a HUGE surprise} I didn't know how I was going to keep up with my fitness regime.

Through the seven months of morning sickness and a full-time job, I somehow managed to make it to the gym everyday after work.  I worked out for almost two hours everyday up to the week before I had her.  People at the gym would look at me as if I was crazy for being there, but I felt great and refused to let a pregnancy be an excuse for me to overeat and gain unnecessary weight.  I told everyone at the gym that I would be back as soon as I had the baby and my doctor gave me the okay.

I did have all intentions of going back.  I loved to work out.  It was an escape for me.  A time where I could focus on me and only me.  I did go back a couple times after having Harlan, but the unexpected move from MacKay and me being a "single" mom got in the way of my workout.

I was very lucky that my pregnancy weight came off very quickly.  I was back in my regular jeans the week after having her.  I credit it to breastfeeding and the fact I worked my butt off during the pregnancy.  Although I lost the baby weight quickly, I used the excuse of "not having time" to workout as a way into eating the unhealthy food again and being lazy.

I kept telling myself that once I moved I would get back into getting healthier.  That didn't happen.  The starting point of my new lifestyle kept extending.  The date was put off more and more.

So, I've decided to go with the rest of the millions that make their New Years resolution to adapt a healthier lifestyle.  I started to go back to the gym yesterday and it felt so good to be back.  I immediately jumped back into my routine {it was a lot harder than I remembered} and it felt better than ever.  I woke up this morning sore and barely able to walk, but I still made it to the gym again.

Eating has been a bit tougher.  My body is craving sweets and carbs and all of the unhealthy stuff I've been feeding it for the past 16 months.  I think eating better is going to be harder than working out.  I really don't like healthy food, but I'm determined to find healthy recipes that taste great and that I enjoy eating.

I hope that later in the year I can come back to this post and realize that I have accomplished my goals.

Anyone else jumping on the bandwagon with me?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Where Has My Baby Gone?

I got an email this morning from Baby Center {as I do every month} asking me this question.  My little girl is 16 months today.  She is walking, talking, running, and very aware of the world around her. Very different from how she was 16 months ago. It amazes me how quickly time has passed since she was born.

It seems like just yesterday we were taking her home from the hospital and I could hold her in my arms all day and night.  Now, I am lucky to get to hold her for five minutes before she wiggles her way from me.  

Harlan and I sat watching videos of her this morning from when she was younger.  We watched as she jumped around in her bouncer and babbled words that were unrecognizable.  It made me miss those moments that I had with her and learn to cherish the ones that I have with her now and in the future.

She is growing before my eyes and it's not until I stop and take a moment to look back, that I can really see how much she has grown.  Being with her every moment of everyday doesn't really let me see how much she grows from month to month.  

Although her growth may not be apparent to me everyday, what is apparent is the amazing person she is becoming.  

She may not be a baby anymore, but she will always be my little girl.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Maclaren Junior Quest Activity Center: Final Thoughts

While packing for our trip to Charlotte for Christmas I knew we weren't going to bring many toys.  Santa and our family were giving her so many toys for Christmas, I knew there was no point in loading the car with all of our toys from home.  The one exception to my rule was the Maclaren Junior Quest Activity Center.  It's become a toy Harlan doesn't want to leave home without.

We have had it for about a month now and Harlan continues to play with it everyday.  Her favorite, by far, is the stroller.  She has put every one of her dolls in it for a stroll and has even attempted to put the dogs in. If the dogs won't cooperate with her, she will then insist on chasing them around the house with it.  An activity that is always full of laughs.  

She even enjoyed being pushed around the house in it.  This scared me at first because I didn't think that it would hold her, but it seemed to hold up strong and support her well.

One of my favorite things about the product is that it really promotes imagination.  Harlan has loved to get her dolls and put them in the rocker or the cot and talk to them.  I don't understand what she is saying half the time, but I do know that she is being creative and recognizes how to play pretend.  It is such an amazing thing to watch.

Thank you Maclaren for giving us this opportunity.  It has been wonderful to watch Harlan grow with your Junior Quest Activity Center. We have really enjoyed this experience.

Disclaimer: A Mommy in the City was not compensated in any way for this post.  I received the product for review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Happy New Year

Happy 2011

Wishing you a New Year full of Joy and Happiness.