Saturday, January 8, 2011

    A Hair-Raising Experience

    There is nothing that makes me prouder than experiencing one of my daughter's "firsts" with her.  I get a sense of joy and pride as she accomplishes a task for the very first time.

    This morning Harlan woke up with her first case of bed head.  Yes, she finally has enough hair on her head to get messed up during her night of sleep and stick straight up in the air.

    To many this may not seem like a "first" worth mentioning, but any parent of a bald baby will tell you what an accomplishment this is.  I have waited patiently {and impatiently} for Harlan's hair to grow.  She has the most beautiful blonde hair that, at one point, I thought was incapable of growing.  
    This morning proved me wrong.  Her hair is growing, and it's growing fast.  I hadn't realized how long it was until this morning when I saw her strands sticking straight up and glistening in the sun.  

    I loved her look so much I almost didn't wash it in the bath this morning. I wanted relish in this moment as long as I could.  

    This is a very unconventional first for many moms, but for me, it's definitely one worthy of the baby book.


    1. I am torn between wanting our baby girl to be bald for a while or come out with a ton of hair. The Boy didn't have a lot of hair but now he does and it grows very fast. I am afraid what baby girl's hair will look my hair is naturally curly and at times unmanageable (ie, I'm lazy) and I just pray her hair is softer and less curly than my own!

      Harlan is such a unique name, I love it!! Fits your beautiful little girl!

    2. Patty@NYC Girl at Heart 9 hours ago
      She's so cute! I love all the pics!

    3. katie. 10 hours ago
      Love this, Lauren! It's making me giggle... what a doll!

    4. Aw, she is too cute!

      I'm a new follower from Say Hi Sunday!

    5. Your daughter is a cutie! My 4 year old LOVES, LOVES, LOVES New York City. He tells us all the time that's where he wants to live. I am now following you from I hope you'll come by and check it out. Have a great day to yourself today. BJ

    6. I know exactly how you feel! It took forever for my daughters hair to grow. She is sporting a very cute baby girl mullet at the moment ;)

    7. Adorable!! And congrats on the hair - hair accessories are soon to follow! Before you know it you will be chasing her around trying to put pigtails in :)

    8. Very cute. Thanks goodness for headbands to help mothers of little girls with our impatience. ;)
      New blog hop follower!
      Sweet T Makes Three

    9. MARVELOUS BLOG!!! Newest follower from the blog hop; hoping you'll stop by and follow me back.
