Monday, January 10, 2011

    New Year, New Design, New Host!

    My site finally has a new design!  I am so excited and I hope you love it as much as I do.  Thank you to Jacquelinne at Smitten Blog Designs for this wonderful design.

    I am making the switch over to Wordpress on Wednesday night so please be prepared if everything isn't up and running right away.  

    Some of the menu links at the top aren't working or do not have information filled out.  This is all a work in progress and will hopefully be up and running soon.

    Thank you for your patience!


    1. Looks good. I really need to make the move to WP but I am so scared and not tech savvy at all!

    2. It's very nice! Love the new look, so fresh and chic! =)

    3. This is cute! Love the header. Good luck with the switch.

    4. Love the new site! Put the badge on my own blog!

    5. I've already been a follower but I was going thru the follow me Chickadee links and saw urs in there :)

      Just wanted to let you know!

    6. Love it. New follower...
